Course curriculum

    1. Running Workshop Overview

    2. Schedule and Location

About this course

  • $149.99
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Running Workshop Presenter

Melissa Otterbein USA Triathlon Level II Coach

Melissa Otterbein, MPH, is a Certified Health Educator Specialist currently working as Education Manager at USA Triathlon in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her research publications include sport as a tool to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals, sport for development, the coach role addressing athlete mental health, and nutrition. A Certified USA Triathlon Level II and Certified US Masters Swimming Coach, Melissa has coached a variety of athletes, including differently abled, displaced, LBGT, youth, collegiate, adult, and female populations. A former lecturer in the Towson University Department of Family Studies, and part-time faculty member at George Washington University, Melissa brings to her work in education a commitment to access for all to engage in sport and educational opportunities. A triathlete and cyclist, Melissa was a 2015 USA Triathlon Nationals Qualifier, 2013 70.3 Half Ironman All World Athlete and World Championship athlete who uses her platform to promote gender equity in sport.Use this area to describe the image or provide supporting information.